California for a better tomorrow

Mission Statement

Our mission at Californians for a Better Tomorrow is to improve the lives of all Californians by supporting a realistic policy agenda and pragmatic candidates for local and state office. As a non-partisan, moderate organization, we strive to find common-sense solutions to the unique challenges facing our communities throughout California.

We are committed to advocating for policies that will create economic opportunity, increase access to affordable housing, support small businesses, improve infrastructure, and ensure public safety. We believe that by working together, we can achieve aspirational goals that benefit all Californians, regardless of political affiliation.

To achieve our mission, we support candidates who share our commitment to pragmatic problem-solving and who are willing to work across party lines to find common ground. We engage in grassroots organizing, advocacy, and education to build a broad-based movement for change.

Our ultimate goal is to create better, stronger communities throughout California, where every person has the opportunity to thrive and prosper. We believe that by focusing on local issues and working collaboratively with elected officials and community leaders, we can make meaningful progress toward this goal.

Policy Agenda


Increase access to affordable housing: Work with local and state officials to implement policies that incentivize the construction of affordable housing units and improve access to affordable rental units for low-income families and individuals.


Support small businesses: Advocate for policies that reduce regulatory burdens and promote economic growth for small businesses in California, including tax incentives, streamlined permitting processes, and increased access to capital.


Improve infrastructure: Work with local and state officials to prioritize investments in infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and public transportation systems, to improve safety and reduce congestion throughout California.


Ensure public safety: Advocate for policies that prioritize the safety of all Californians and hold criminals accountable for their actions. This includes supporting community policing efforts, increasing resources for law enforcement agencies, and imposing strict penalties for violent and repeat offenders. We also believe in investing in prevention programs and rehabilitation efforts to reduce recidivism and ensure that those who have paid their debt to society can successfully reintegrate into their communities.


Invest in education: Advocate for policies that increase funding for K-12 public schools and improve access to affordable higher education, including community college and vocational training programs, to help Californians gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the 21st century economy.

About us

Californians for a Better Tomorrow is a non-partisan, pragmatic political action committee dedicated to improving the lives of all Californians. We believe that by supporting pragmatic candidates and advocating for realistic policies, we can make a meaningful impact on the issues that matter most to our communities throughout California.

As an organization, we are committed to finding common-sense solutions to the unique challenges facing our state. We believe in working collaboratively with elected officials and community leaders to build broad-based support for policies that create economic opportunity, increase access to affordable housing, support small businesses, improve infrastructure, and enhance public safety.

We believe that a better tomorrow is possible for all Californians, regardless of political affiliation. By engaging in grassroots organizing, advocacy, and education, we are building a movement for change that is focused on achieving aspirational goals that benefit all of us.
At Californians for a Better Tomorrow, we are proud to be part of a movement that is committed to making a positive impact on our communities throughout California. We invite you to join us in this important work and help us create a better, stronger future for all Californians.

Paid for by Californians for a Better Tomorrow Political Action Committee

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